Marktech Expands their Multi-chip Product Line with Multi-Wavelength SWIR LEDs and a 2.6µm InGaAs Detector in One Package

Marktech’s Next Gen Hermetic SMD ATLAS Packaged InGaAs Detectors

Marktech MTMD34679PD6T38 – SWIR multi-chip emitter-detector with multiple wavelength LEDs

April 23, 2024 – Latham, NY, USA –  Marktech Optoelectronics, Inc. (, a privately-held leading designer and manufacturer of standard and custom optoelectronics, including UV, visible, near-infrared (NIR), and short-wavelength infrared (SWIR) emitters, detectors, InP epi wafers, and other compound semiconductors, today reveals their new multi-chip packages combining InGaAs photodiodes and multiple SWIR LEDs in the same package. These products join a growing line of multi-chip products consisting of multi-wavelength LEDs (UV through MWIR) with or without InGaAs, silicon, or InGaAs+silicon detectors.

Our range of multi-chip products includes:

  • Multiple LEDs in a single package (235nm to 4300nm wavelength combinations)
  • Multiple detectors in a single package (multiple silicon, InGaAs, and SiC photodiodes)
  • Multiple LEDs + single or various detectors in a single package
  • Packaging options include SMD, TO-can, and our award-winning ATLAS hermetic SMD

ATLAS hermetic SMD packages are ideal for LED, detector, & multichip applications.


Co-Packaged InGaAs Photodiodes with Multiple LED Emitters

Our newest multi-SWIR LED emitters + detector components include part numbers MTMD1479PD6T38 and MTMD34679PD6T38. MTMD1479PD6T38 includes 1460nm, 1720nm, and 1900nm SWIR LED chips combined with a 2.6µm InGaAs detector providing 800nm to 2600nm responsivity. MTMD34679PD6T38 has the same 2.6µm InGaAs detector co-packaged with 1300nm, 1460nm, 1650nm, 1720nm, and 1900nm SWIR LEDs. To the best of our knowledge, our 2.6µm InGaAs detector has the highest responsivity on the market based on our internal tests and customer evaluations comparing our InGaAs detectors with our competitor’s products.

Marktech’s UV, visible, NIR, and SWIR emitters combined with our IR detectors (InGaAs photodiodes) are the perfect solution for many analytical, medical, aerospace, and industrial sensing applications. An additional silicon detector can be added to the package when UV LED light needs to be monitored or detected. The co-packaged emitters are individually addressable. Multiple chip products are available in TO can and SMD packages.

Multiple Wavelength Multi-chip Products

For applications such as transmission spectroscopy requiring a multiple-wavelength source separate from the detector, Marktech also produces multi-wavelength -devices consisting of multiple LED chips in a single package.

Our newer LED light sources, Multiple wavelength LED emitters, have several advantages over singularly packaged LEDs and older, conventional light sources. Co-packaging multiple LED emitters can:

  • Ability to rapidly vary light power output and wavelength
  • Reduce Circuitry & Simpler Design
  • Reduce Part Count
  • More compact design – ideal for wearable applications
  • High-speed wavelength selection
  • No or minimal heat dissipation – reduce heat compared to halogen, xenon, mercury vapor, or thermal IR emitters
  • Reduce power compared to halogen, xenon, mercury vapor, or thermal IR emitters
  • Increase life compared to halogen, xenon, mercury vapor, or thermal IR emitters
  • Fast response (on/off or pulsing) – no warm-up delay of halogen, xenon, mercury vapor, or thermal IR emitters
  • Elimination of moving parts – e.g., motorized slit in dispersive spectrometers
  • High emission stability – no or minimal wavelength drift over the lifetime

Our multiple LED and multi-detector products are available in several variations:

  1. Multiple emitters combined with InGaAs photodiodes for Vis-NIR-SWIR detection
  2. Multiple UVC LEDs (235nm, 255nm) with SiC photodiodes for deep UVC emission and detection
  3. Multiple emitters joined with silicon photodiodes for UVB-Vis-NIR emission and detection
  4. Multiple emitters sharing the same package with both InGaAs and silicon photodiodes for UVB-Vis-NIR-SWIR detection
  5. Multiple InGaAs, silicon, and InGaAs-silicon detector combinations with different emission filters on each photodiode
  6. Multiple InGaAs, silicon, and InGaAs-silicon detector combinations with integral transimpedance amplifiers (TIAs)
  7. Multiple InGaAs, silicon, and InGaAs-silicon detector combinations with thermionic coolers
  8. Multiple LED emitters of multiple wavelengths
  9. Multiple LED emitters of the same wavelength for increased power

Multiple emitters in one package ( up to 7 in our standard thru-hole or SMT package) along with detectors in a separate package (4, 5, & 6) can be helpful in colorimeter and color photometer applications using cuvettes where the excitation light is transmitted through the sample – or, where the excitation wavelength(s) needs to separate from the photodiode detector(s).

The specific combinations of emitters and detectors can be tailored or “mixed and matched” to your application’s specific light source and detection requirements.

In applications requiring higher power, multiple LED die of the same wavelength are placed in the same package. For example, Marktech’s MTMD4270T38 product contains two 428nm LEDs and two 700nm LEDs. Our MTMS1300N24 SWIR LED emitter contains three 1300nm chips in a narrow domed lens TO-can package. Our  MTMD7885T38 multiple wavelength emitter has three 770nm die in a PLCC package. Our MTMS7700T38 (770nm), MTMS8800T38 (880nm), and MTMS9400T38 (950nm) products utilize six LED emitter chips in the TO-can package.

Examples of Marktech’s multiple wavelength, multi-chip LED products

InGaAs detectors and InGaAs photodiodes with multiple LEDs are beneficial in a variety of applications, such as:

  • Biomedical instrumentation
  • Black ice detection
  • Broadband, hyperspectral, and multispectral light sources
  • Colorimetry
  • Contamination or foreign material detection
  • Counterfeit currency detection
  • Curing / Crosslinking
  • Endoscopic lighting and tissue oximetry
  • Fluorometry
  • Fluorescence microscopy
  • Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)
  • FURA / calcium imaging
  • Glucose monitoring
  • Industrial machine vision
  • Iris matching or recognition for biometrics
  • NIR spectrometry
  • Optical communications
  • Optogenetics
  • Oximetry / Co-oximetry
  • Photodynamic therapy
  • Photometry
  • Solar simulation
  • Sorting equipment
  • Spectroscopy
  • SWIR Detection
  • SWIR Imaging

In some applications, the integral detector acts as a monitor to indicate the LEDs are emitting light. In other cases, the InGaAs can detect reflected or fluorescence emission from a sample illuminated by the LEDs. For example, oximeters, NDIR, and fNIR devices can emit and detect the reflected or partially transmitted light to determine oxygen levels in the tissue. For applications that require light transmitted through a sample and then detected, Marktech can package the LEDs and InGaAs detectors separately.

In dispersive spectroscopic analysis, a monochromator generates a wide range of wavelengths. Monochromators employ a prism or diffraction grating combined with a motorized slit to select a specific excitation wavelength. Typically, we look at the peaks of an unknown chemical or material analyte and compare them to libraries of identified reference spectra.

In specific applications with unknown amounts of known analytes in a closed system, only a few specific wavelengths are required to distinguish between and quantify particular chemical constituents. Examples of applications where a selection of specific wavelengths is helpful in chemical analyte quantification include:

  • Spectroscopically analyzing the amount of reactant in a chemical production process
  • Colorimetric analysis of process, drinking, or wastewater contaminants
  • Oximetry, optical glucose monitoring, ischemia detection, and other medical diagnostics
  • Fluorometry for fluorescence identification of minerals or biological materials
  • Fluorescence microscopy for life science imaging (cells, proteins, biological materials)
  • Non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) spectroscopy-based gas analyzers or gas sensors

In one of these “closed systems” with multiple analytes, sometimes the more efficient option is not to choose wavelengths corresponding to the peaks of the analytes but rather a few wavelengths producing the most significant differences between the analyte’s absorption, reflectance, transmission, or fluorescence. With this methodology, fewer LED emitters can often provide better analytical results. In addition, the ratio transmission results from two or more wavelengths can account for slight interference in turbid or dirty samples.

Drawing of MTMD34679PD6T38 2.6µm InGaAs detector multiple wavelength LEDs


Multiple LEDs in Spectrometry, Fluorimetry & Fluorescent Microscopy

Eliminating the monochromator combined with LED emitters’ higher natural monochromatic nature can produce a higher power excitation light source than a dispersion spectrometer with broadband xenon, halogen, and mercury sources. In dispersion spectrometers, conventional light sources are broken into 128 or 256 wavelengths, with each wavelength having only a fraction of the energy of the source. Higher-power LEDs at specific peak wavelengths can improve the signal-to-noise ratio.

When comparing or discerning two analytes, specific wavelengths provide no additional information when the absorption levels of the two species are equivalent. Therefore, eliminating these wavelengths and using a few critical discerning wavelengths can speed up the overall detection process.

In addition, since a handful of the target excitation wavelengths are picked, each wavelength source can be optimized for high power output and increased wavelength monochromaticity. For instance, additional LEDs with the same wavelength can be packaged in the same TO can, PLCC, or SMD package to provide higher power for a particular wavelength. In addition, Marktech can sort or bin LED emitters to produce tuned LEDs with minimal peak wavelength variation of ±1nm. In higher-volume applications, wavelength variation and power output can be adjusted at the wafer level or in the light-emitting diode fabrication process. Likewise, InGaAs and silicon detectors can be customized during semiconductor fabrication to specific sensitivity ranges – when production volumes warrant the development.

Fluorometers (fluorescence spectrometers) and microscopes utilize a specific excitation wavelength capable of exciting a fluorescent dye or fluorophore in a sample, emitting at a peak emission wavelength. Cells, tissues, and other biological samples are often examined with fluorescence. LEDs eliminate several problems in fluorescence studies compared to older light sources, such as overexposure to light, thermal damage and phototoxicity of the biological sample, and photobleaching of fluorescent dyes or proteins. The peak wavelength of the LEDs can be selected to match the excitation wavelengths of the fluorophores closely. Combined with the higher intensity or power output at the peak wavelength, the result is improved signal-to-noise in fluorometry and fluorescence microscopy applications. Our multi-wavelength LED packages enable the selection of a different excitation wavelength for different fluorophores, fluorescent dyes, or color-indicating reagents. For instance, our MTMD2336T38 multi-wavelength light source can selectively emit 275nm, 310nm, 360nm, and 380nm wavelengths, and our MTMD3334T38 multi-wavelength light source can selectively emit 310nm, 360nm, 380nm, and 430nm wavelengths.

NIR and incredibly SWIR wavelength light can penetrate deeper into human tissue than visible light due to the reduced photon scattering at these wavelengths. SWIR’s high penetration depth enables imaging and spectral information collection deep into tissues. Some of these NIR/SWIR infrared imaging systems have mapped blood flow in live animals and imaged tissue 5mm into mouse brains. In addition, infrared spectroscopy can provide information on deep tissue chemical composition, such as oxygenation and deoxygenation. In the article, “Shortwave infrared fluorescence imaging with the clinically approved near-infrared dye indocyanine green,” the researchers stated that “imaging in the shortwave IR (SWIR; 1,000–2,000 nm) promises higher contrast, sensitivity, and penetration depths compared with conventional visible and near-IR (NIR) fluorescence imaging.” The researchers used NIR and SWIR light sources with an InGaAs detector. Marktech has many singular and multi-wavelength LED emitters in the NIR and SWIR wavelength ranges. For example, the Marktech MTMD142345PDT38 multiple SWIR wavelength emitter-detector contains 1040nm, 1200nm, 1300nm, 1460nm, and 1550nm peak wavelength LEDs combined with our InGaAs photodiode for SWIR detection in the 600nm – 1750nm range. These SWIR emitter-detectors can be helpful in tissue oxygenation and utilization studies using NIRS methods.

In summary, spectrometry, fluorescence microscopy, and other optical analytical methods performed with a specific set of multiple LED light sources and the appropriate photodiode detector can have improved signal-to-noise ratio and detection speed.

Consult with Us Today About Your Design Project

Marktech Optoelectronics has vertically integrated capabilities for custom design and fabrication of InGaAs photodiode detector devices on wafers and fabless capabilities in silicon and silicon carbide. After fabrication, we dice and package these photodiode chips with the required LED emitters, amplifiers, filters, and other hybridization components for specific applications. This vertical integration allows Marktech to precisely control the performance and quality of the photodetectors and assemblies designed and manufactured for our customers.

Using Marktech Optoelectronics advanced silicon and InGaAs photodetectors in new products under development will likely lead to breakthrough designs in many analytical instruments, medical diagnostics, and industrial sensing applications.

If you have specific technical or application questions regarding your optoelectronics design project or are just interested in learning more about Marktech’s silicon, SiC, and InGaAs photodiodes with multiple wavelength LED emitters, then please reach out to us through the following:

Maximize Your Total Cost Benefit with Tailored Photodiodes and LEDs for OEM Designs

Maximize Your Total Cost Benefit with Tailored Photodiodes and LEDs for OEM Designs

Photodiodes and LEDs are widely used in a range of applications, including optical sensors, communication systems, medical diagnostic devices, analytical instruments, and application specific lighting. They are often used together to maximize the total cost benefit, with photodiodes serving as detectors and LEDs as emitters. By tailoring these components to OEM design needs, engineers can optimize performance while minimizing costs.

Photodiodes are semiconductor devices that convert light into an electrical current. They are commonly used in applications such as light detection and communication systems, where they can be used to detect changes in light intensity or to transmit data via optical signals. Photodiodes can be designed with different materials and structures, such as silicon, SiC, or InGaAs, to optimize their sensitivity and response time for specific applications.

LEDs, on the other hand, are semiconductor devices that emit light when a voltage is applied to them. They are commonly used as light sources in a range of applications, including displays, lighting, and communication systems. LEDs can also be designed with different materials and structures, such as GaN or InGaN, to optimize their emission wavelength and brightness for specific applications.

By combining photodiodes and LEDs together in the same package, engineers can create efficient and cost-effective systems. For example, in a communication system, an LED can be used to transmit data via optical signals, while a photodiode can be used to receive the signals and convert them back into electrical signals. By selecting the appropriate photodiode and LED components for the system, engineers can optimize the performance and cost of the system.

What is total cost benefit?

“Total cost benefit” refers to a comprehensive evaluation of both the financial and non-financial gains that can be derived from an investment, action, or decision, in relation to the total costs involved, including financial expenditures and potential risks. This approach does not just look at the monetary aspect but also considers other benefits such as improved safety, convenience, or time savings, while accounting for all associated costs including potential downstream or auxiliary costs.
To obtain a true sense of the total cost benefit, one needs to examine all potential gains and savings, direct and indirect, tangible and intangible, that may result from the decision, and then compare it against a fully loaded cost profile that encompasses every possible cost, direct and indirect, associated with that decision.
A total cost benefit analysis aims to provide a more rounded view of the value proposition of a decision by exploring it from multiple dimensions, and it is a critical tool in both business and policy making, aiding stakeholders in making informed decisions grounded on a holistic understanding of the potential outcomes. It offers a macro perspective, enabling a thorough evaluation and thereby facilitating choices that are aligned with long-term objectives and holistic wellbeing.

Maximizing Total Cost Benefit with Customization

To maximize the total cost benefit of photodiodes and LEDs, engineers should carefully consider the specific needs of their OEM designs. This includes selecting components that are optimized for the specific application, as well as components that are cost-effective and reliable. It also involves selecting components that are easy to integrate into the overall system design, with minimal additional components required.

For example, in a sensing system, the photodiode and LED components should be selected based on the desired sensitivity and wavelength range of the system. The components should also be selected based on their reliability and cost, with consideration given to the overall cost of the system. Additionally, the components should be designed with ease of integration in mind, to reduce the overall system complexity and cost. Standard or lower cost optoelectronic components often do not minimize the total system cost of a design or the “total cost of ownership”. For example, a design engineer may have planned on buying two separate photodiodes to meet the detection wavelength range requirements of the project. Marktech’s custom solution combined two photodiodes in the same package resulting in a lower total cost and less complicated design compared to purchasing two separate detectors.

In some cases, a detector has more gain than is required for a project. For these optoelectrical design projects, Marktech has custom developed lower active area detectors, which are less costly than a standard photodiodes with larger active areas.

Bacteria or microbes can have sensitivity to destruction at certain wavelengths. For instance, cryptosporidium is sensitive to or most effectively killed by 265nm light. In some sanitization cryptosporidium applications, mercury vapor lamps with a wide spectrum are used. Power is wasted because some of the wavelengths emitted are ineffective at destroying the bacteria Marktech can provide 265nm LEDs specifically targeting cryptosporidium eliminating providing a design with more energy efficiency and longer battery life. Likewise, Marktech can provide 235nm and 255nm deep UVC wavelengths for the detection of creatine, uric acid, proteins, nitrates in water or blood samples.

In addition, off-the-shelf parts frequently cannot provide the optimized performance of a bespoke detector or LED developed specifically for a new electro-optical product design. Even if the overall cost of the system is slightly higher using a custom part than a standard component, the performance per cost is higher or the total cost benefit is lower.

An intangible benefit is the competitive advantage provide provided by unique, custom LEDs or photodiodes. Bespoke optoelectronic parts can provide unique optoelectrical characteristic unlike any catalog type components. A design with a standard component can be more easily reversed engineered and then duplicated. Custom LEDs or custom detectors cannot be duplicated as easily or at all in some cases.

Tailoring LEDs and photodiodes to the specific design requirement can eliminate the need for additional component such as optical filters, amplifiers, lenses, etc. – resulting in lower system cost, higher product performance, or higher total cost benefit.

Photodiode Customization

  1. Material Selection: Photodiodes can be fabricated from different semiconductor materials, such as silicon, germanium, or InGaAs, depending on the wavelength range and sensitivity requirements of the OEM design. Each material types has characteristic ranges of wavelength sensitivity.
  2. Multi-detector Design: When a wide spectrum of wavelengths need to be detected, multiple wavelengths can be combined. Marktech can combine silicon and InGaAs photodiodes to provide a single detector package capable of detecting from
  3. Structure Design: The structure of the photodiode can be tailored for specific applications, such as PN photodiodes, PIN photodiodes, and avalanche photodiodes (APDs) to optimize for sensitivity, dark current, and response time.
  4. Optoelectronic Packaging: Photodiodes can be packaged in different formats, such as surface-mount packages, chip-on-board (COB), or ceramic packages, to meet the size and integration requirements of the OEM design.
  5. Active Area Size: The size of the active area of the photodiode can be customized to match the size of the light source or target in the OEM design, to optimize the detection efficiency. Photodiode for monitoring non-visible UV or IR light sources, often a very small area is sufficient. In applications where the transmitted or reflected light is very weak, a larger active area or multi-element photodiode can be developed to optimize photodetector response.
  6. Responsivity and Dark Current: The responsivity and dark current of the photodiode can be optimized by adjusting the doping concentration, bias voltage, or temperature, to meet the sensitivity and noise requirements of the OEM design.
  7. Optical Filters: Optical filters, such as bandpass filters or notch filters, can be integrated with the photodiode to improve the selectivity and reduce noise.
  8. Reverse Bias Voltage: The reverse bias voltage of the photodiode can be adjusted to control the sensitivity and saturation level, depending on the light intensity range of the OEM design.

By tailoring or customizing photodiodes to OEM specifications, engineers can optimize the performance and cost of their systems. The specific tailoring options chosen will depend on the specific application and requirements of the OEM design.

Table summarizing the customization types for photodiodes and their respective ranges/examples:

Customization TypeRange/Example
Material SelectionSilicon, InGaAs, Other
Multiple DetectorsSi+InGaAs PDs, multiple SiPDs, multiple InGaAs PDs
Structure DesignPN, PIN, Array photodiode structures
PackagingSurface-mount package, Chip-on-board (COB), Ceramic package, ATLAS Hermetic SMD package
Active Area Size0.1 mm² to 100 mm²
Responsivity and Dark CurrentResponsivity: 0.1 A/W to 1 A/W, Dark Current: pA to µA
Optical FiltersBandpass filter, Notch filter
Reverse Bias Voltage1 V to 100 V


Note that the ranges/examples provided are not exhaustive and may vary depending on the manufacturer and specific application requirements.

LED Emitters Customization

  1. Light emitting diodes (LEDs), also known as emitters, can be tailored or customized to meet specific OEM specifications in various ways. Here are some examples::

    1. Material Selection: LEDs can be fabricated from different semiconductor materials, such as GaN, InGaN, or AlInGaP, depending on the desired emission wavelength and brightness of the OEM design.
    2. Sorting/Binning: LEDs can be sorted or binned to ensure consistent performance within a specific range of parameters, such as emission wavelength or brightness.
    3. Structure Design: The structure of the LED can be tailored for specific applications, such as high-brightness LEDs or surface-emitting LEDs, to optimize the brightness and efficiency.
    4. Packaging: LEDs can be packaged in different formats, such as TO-can, plastic through hole, PLCC SMD, COB, or multichip-multiwavelength, depending on the size and integration requirements of the OEM design.
    5. Lens Types: The LED can be equipped with different lens types, such as flat, dome, or ball lenses, to optimize the light output and directionality for the OEM design.
    6. Substrate Material: The substrate material of the LED can be customized to improve thermal management, such as using silicon carbide (SiC) or diamond substrates for high-power LEDs.
    7. Current Density: The current density of the LED can be adjusted by changing the size and number of the semiconductor layers, to optimize the brightness and efficiency for the OEM design.
    8. Thermal Resistance: The thermal resistance of the LED can be optimized by selecting appropriate packaging and substrate materials, to ensure stable and efficient operation under different environmental conditions.
    9. ESD Protection: The LED can be equipped with electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection features to improve its reliability and durability in high-voltage or high-static environments.
    10. Customized Pin Configuration: The pin configuration of the LED can be customized to suit the OEM design’s specific requirements.
    11. ATLAS Hermetic SMD Packaging: ATLAS Hermetic SMD packaging can be used to create more rugged and durable LED packages that can withstand harsh environments.

    Table summarizing LED customization types and their respective ranges/examples:

    Customization Type


    Material Selection

    GaN, InGaN, AlInGaP


    Emission wavelength sorting tolerance: +/- 1 nm

    Structure Design

    High-brightness LED, Surface-emitting LED


    TO-can, Plastic through hole, PLCC SMD, COB, Multichip-multiwavelength, ATLAS Hermetic SMD package

    Lens Types

    Flat, Dome, Ball lenses

    Substrate Material

    Aluminum oxide, ALON, SiC, etc.

    Current Density

    1 A/cm² to 100 A/cm²

    Thermal Resistance

    0.1 K/W to 10 K/W

    ESD Protection

    > 4 kV HBM (Human Body Model)

    Customized Pin Configuration

    2-pin, 3-pin, 4-pin, etc.

    ATLAS Hermetic SMD Packaging

    Rugged and durable packaging that can withstand harsh environments

    Note that the ranges/examples provided are not exhaustive and may vary depending on the manufacturer and specific application requirements.


photodiodes and LEDs are powerful tools for optimizing the cost and performance of OEM designs. By selecting the appropriate components and tailoring them to the specific needs of the application, engineers can create efficient and cost-effective systems. With careful consideration of the performance and cost trade-offs, photodiodes and LEDs can be used to create systems that maximize the total cost benefit for OEM designs with the additional benefit of providing unique features, which are difficult for competitors to duplicate.

2023 Achievements – Meet Us At Photonics West 2024 to Learn More

Happy New Year’s Wishes from the Marktech Optoelectronics team!

If you are attending SPIE Photonics West in January, then stop by our booth (#237) from January 30 thru February 1 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, California. SPIE Photonics West is the world-renowned event for the photonics, optics, emitters, and detectors field.

We will showcase our latest product innovations and out technical experts will be on hand to answer any questions related to your detection or emission design projects.

Here are a few of our notable achievements and innovative new product introduced in 2023:
Advanced 235nm and 255nm UVC LEDs from Silanna: The Future of Germicidal UV Solutions

Marktech Optoelectronics ATLAS Hermetic SMD Packaged InGaAs Photodiodes Win 2023 Best of Sensors Awards in the Aerospace and Space Category

Marktech Optoelectronics Announces the Launch of Innovative Quadrant Silicon Photodiode – MT03-072

Marktech Optoelectronics Offers Latest CREE LED High Brightness Visible LED Innova (TO Can and ALTAS Hermetic SMD Packaging Options Available Where Applicable)

Marktech Optoelectronics Releases New Green and Red Dot LEDs

Marktech Introduces Multi-chip Multi-wavelength SWIR LEDs with Integral Monit InGaAs Photodiodes for Chemical Analysis and Medical Diagnostics

Marktech Optoelectronics Expanding the Industry’s Broadest Line of Point Source LEDs with New Hermetic SMD Packaged Visible and Infrared Emitters

Marktech Unveils New Four Chip Photodetector with InGaAs+Silicon Photodiodes in ATLAS Hermetic SMD Packaging

Marktech Expands Line of Multi-chip Products with New Additions of Multi-chip Multiple Wavelength (UV-Vis-NIR-SWIR) LEDs and Multi-chip SWIR LEDs with Monitoring Photodiodes

Marktech Expands Internationally Signing Agreements with Trading and Sales Engineering Representative Groups in Japan, Israel, Canada, and the European Union

Marktech Reveals a New 2.6µm InGaAs Assembled Quadrant Photodiode
Marktech Optoelectronics Releases Enhanced Sharpness 25 & 50 Micron Red Dot LEDs – Standard & Customizable Designs

Marktech Optoelectronics will be showcasing both their well-established and newly released products and capabilities, such as:

Optical detectors (UV, Visible, & Infrared Detectors)

Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) LEDs Emitters

  • SWIR LEDs – 1020nm to 1720nm
  • Extended SWIR LEDs – 1900nm to 2600nm – Coming in 2024

Multi-wavelength and Multiple Chip Emitters and Detectors

Mid-Wave Infrared (MWIR) LEDs/emitters – Coming in 2024

Point Source LEDs (PSLs)

Near Infrared (NIR) Emitters

Visible LED Emitters – 400nm to 650nm

Red dot LEDs, reticle LEDs, and alphanumeric LED micro-displays

CREE-LED high-brightness LEDs in a wide range of forms:

  • Through-hole, metal can, starboard, linear boards, and custom packages & assemblies

SMD UV LEDs and Through-hole UV LEDs

SMD UV LEDs and Through-hole UV LEDs

Advanced optoelectronic packaging capabilities

Custom OEM Solutions – Optoelectronics Design, Engineering, Device Fabrication & Packaging

Compound Semiconductor Materials

  • Indium Phosphide (InP) Epitaxial Wafers for PIN Photodiodes
  • APD Structured InP Epi-wafers

Optoelectronic Chip Design & Fabrication (Photodiodes, Phototransistors, Custom Devices)

Wide Spectral Range Optoelectronic Testing Services – Both Detectors & LED Emitters

New 2.6µm InGaAs PIN Photodiode Quadrant Introduced in 2023.

Marktech Optoelectronics, Inc. (, is a privately-held and veteran-owned leading designer and manufacturer of standard and custom optoelectronics, including UV, visible, near-infrared (NIR), and short-wavelength infrared (SWIR) emitters, detectors, InP epi wafers, and other compound semiconductors.

Please drop by our booth or contact us any time if you:

  • Have any technical or application questions or need assistance regarding any of your optoelectronic design projects
  • Require validation of the optical characteristics (wavelength, power output, sensitivity) of your current optoelectronics components (emitters or detectors)
  • Are you interested in learning more about Marktech’s cutting-edge InGaAs SWIR detectors, SWIR LED emitters, ATLAS hermetic SMD packaging, silicon photodetectors, chip-scale packaging (CSP), or multi-wavelength & multi-chip (MWMC) packaging

If you have an urgent project or component questions: Contact Us.

Marktech Optoelectronics Releases New Green and Red Dot LEDs – Just in Time for the Holidays

Marktech’s Introduces Standard Green Dot LEDs and Expands Red Dot LED Line-up

Marktech Optoelectronics, Inc. (, a privately-held leading designer and manufacturer of standard and custom optoelectronics, including UV, visible, near-infrared (NIR), and short-wavelength infrared (SWIR) emitters, detectors, InP epi wafers, and other compound semiconductors, today announced the release of their enhanced sharpness 25 and 50 micron green dot point source LEDs (MTSP-1358 and MTSP-1360) for reflex sights, riflescopes, sports optics, camera viewfinders, and other aiming applications. In addition, Marktech expanded their offering of red dot LEDs with additional micron sizes and package types.

Our green dot LEDs utilize a “true green” 520nm wavelength, which appears brighter to the human eye compared to a 650nm red point source with equivalent power output. Green dots appear “brighter” because the rod receptors in the human eye have the more response to 520nm green light than 650 red light. However, red dots are still desirable in many applications. For instance, if the background, foliage, or target is a similar shade of green, then a red dot might be a better option.

Standard red dot LEDs micron sizes include 25 µm, 50 µm, 80µm, 100 µm, and 150 µm. Red dot LEDs with micron sizes of 10µm, 13µm, 30µm, 40µm, and 60µm available on a custom basis. Our standard red dot LEDs are available in two package types: a 2.1×2.1 SMD Flat Lens and a 1.6×1.5 SMD Flat Lens. Several additional package type options are available such as chip on board (COB) and flex circuit. Marktech can also custom design package for OEM needs.

Marktech’s 2.1mm x 2.1mm package for dot or point source LEDs.

Marktech’s red dot-circle-cross reticle LED with individually addressable elements.

Marktech can assemble the red dot or reticle die into various standard and custom packages as well as chip-on-board (COB), rigid PCB, and flexible circuit assemblies. We have also incorporated our avalanche photodiode (APD) detectors in conjunction with red dot and display reticles for riflescopes, binoculars, LIDAR speed guns, and rangefinders with laser distance, speed, or range measurement capabilities.

Red Dot LED Product Applications
The typical function of red dot and reticle LEDs is aiming or targeting. The red dot appears within the riflescope or reflex sight. The reflected image of the red dot LED on the optical lens provides a virtual spot on the target. Unlike aiming lasers, a visible laser spot does not appear on the target, so the prey or target cannot see the spot. In addition, specialized coatings are used on the optics to enhance reflections or the red light wavelengths from the LED, which reduces the appearance of the red dot to prey, enemy combatants, or other targets.

While the recognized leader of premium red dot LEDs to the optical scopes industry, Marktech red dot and reticle LEDs find additional applications outside riflescopes and gun sights. Laser rangefinders and LIDAR speed guns often utilize a red dot aiming sight to target an object for measurement. Telescopes have a narrow field of view and require finderscopes or red dot finders to locate specific stars or constellations. An increasingly popular application of red dot LEDs is on cameras. A red dot viewfinder on a camera is helpful in the photography of fast-moving objects.
Red dot, reticle, and alphanumeric LEDs benefit a wide range of applications, including:

  • Riflescopes
  • Reflex Sights and Red Dot Sights
  • Illuminated Reticle Scopes
  • LIDAR Speed Guns
  • Optical pyrometers
  • Telescope Finderscopes or Red Dot Finders
  • Night Vision (NV) Devices
  • Rangefinders & Range-finding Binoculars
  • Camera Red Dot Viewfinders
  • Stage Lights and Spot Lights
  • Ocular Displays in Microscopes and Medical Optics
  • Displays in Smart Glasses, Goggles, and AR/VR Devices
  • Head-mounted display in scuba masks and helmets
  • Optical encoders
  • Edge sensors
  • Proprietary OEM Optical Assemblies.

Packaging Options

Marktech’s dot and reticle LEDs are available in various package types depending on the requirements of your application. For instance, our 25µm and 50µm red dot LEDs are available in both a 2.1mm x 2.1mm SMD packge and a more compact 1.6mm x 1.5mm SMD package. For applications requiring a larger package such multiple dot LEDs, reticle LEDs and microdisplay LEDs, we have 3mm x 4mm frameless SMD, COB, flex circuit, and custom designed packaging options.

Point Source LEDs

Our small 10 µm diameter red dot LEDs and visible or NIR point source LEDs can replace lasers in specific applications. They are also used as emitters in optical encoders, position sensors, edge sensors, light barriers, and other sensing applications. For sensing applications requiring higher power visible or infrared (IR) emission, Marktech has a series of point source LED emitters from the 620nm to 650nm in the visible band and from 750nm to 980nm in NIR band.

“We are proud to offer our customers what we believe are the best dot or point source LEDs in the market. Our innovative manufacturing processes and rigorous inspection ensure that every green, red or NIR point source we produce meets the highest standards of clarity, brightness, and durability. Whether you need a standard or custom red dot LED or point souc, Marktech can deliver it with speed and efficiency.”
Vince Forte, Chief Technology Officer

Consult with Us Today About Your Design Project Marktech has advanced optoelectronic engineering and manufacturing capabilities to design and fabricate high-accuracy red dot point source illuminators. Our manufacturing facility in Simi Valley, California, can precisely control the performance and quality of the green or red dot point source LEDs, reticle LEDs, and 7 or 14 segment LED microdisplays through our high-precision packaging and assembly processes. As a result, Marktech’s stock and custom point source LEDs have unexcelled sharpness, clarity, and are virtually free from any internal reflections or defects. Our green dot, red dot and reticle LED experts can tailor existing or design new products to accurately meet the performance specifications of riflescopes, gun sights, laser speed guns, camera viewfinders, finderscopes, and aiming products under design or redesign. Using Marktech Optoelectronics’ advanced LED reticles, segmented LED microdisplays, and green or red dot LED emitters in new products under development will likely lead to breakthrough designs in many sports optics, cameras, telescopes, rangefinders, and other optical assemblies requiring precise aiming and ocular or eyepiece displays of information. If you have specific technical or application questions regarding your design project requiring red dot point sources or illuminated reticles or are just interested in learning more about Marktech’s red dot LED and reticle LEDs, then please reach out to us through the following:

Buying Your Engineer or Scientist a New Photodiode for Christmas? 8 Questions to Ask When Selecting A Photodetector Manufacturer

Marktech’s innovative hybrid and silicon-InGaAs detectors.
Si-InGaAs photodiodes can enable broadband detection from 254nm to 2600nm

1. How extensive is the photodiode manufacturer’s product offering? Do their photodiodes have the wavelength sensitivity, speed, active area, and other performance parameters to meet your photo- detection requirements?

The supplier should have a broad enough product line to meet your current and future needs.

They should have photodiodes in their line-up meeting your application’s wavelength sensitivity, speed, dark current, and size needs. For example, Marktech produces both silicon and indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) photodiodes, which provide a wavelength sensitivity range from 250nm to 2600nm – or, over the ultraviolet (UVB), visible, near infrared (NIR) and short wave infrared (SWIR) bands. Marktech has an extensive line-up of photodiode detectors with these wavelengths with a range of active areas and package types. However, suppose the supplier only has one or few types of photodiodes. In that case, photodetectors may not be their main focus. As a result, they will not be able to provide as many choices, assistance in selecting the suitable detector, and guidance in developing detector specifications.

Marktech has 500+ standard or catalog detectors, LED products, and over 3000 customized products. Most catalog products are available immediately through our distributors, Digi-Key Electronics and Mouser Electronics.

In 2021, Marktech products became available in Japan through our latest partner, Rikei Corporation. Established 65 years ago in Tokyo, Rikei Corporation is a trusted trading partner and value-added solutions provider serving many electronic original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and communications companies. Rikei excels in system integration and component distribution, leveraging superior procurement skills, deep domain knowledge, and expertise in systems technology and electronics for high-quality solutions throughout the project lifecycle.

Marktech also has sales engineering representatives in Canada (ARL Group), Israel (Militram), and France & Germany (Syscom-Prorep). Our extensive offering and ability to tailor products to specific OEM design specifications have long set Marktech apart from other optoelectronic manufacturers. For example, Marktech’s photodiode detectors have various wavelength sensitivity ranges, active area sizes, and package types including TO can, SMD, PLCC, through-hole, and hermetic SMD packaging.

2. Are they familiar with specifying photodiodes for your industry application? Can the manufacturer modify or customize their photodiodes to suit your needs?

Custom 64 element Si PDA for ice particle measurements on aircraft wingtip.

The supplier should be familiar with your application or ideally developed or customized photodetectors for similar use cases. Every application can have unique details necessitating intricate modifications to detector specifications to enable viable detection levels. Off-the-shelf or catalog photodiodes can be sufficient for less demanding applications. However, we have found in many cases that customization of a photodiode in terms of wavelength sensitivity, active area size, package type, and hermetic properties can increase the overall performance and reduce the total cost of your design. The custom component cost might be slightly higher, but reducing part count and simplifying circuit designs can result in a total cost benefit. In addition, Marktech can further customize photodetector designs by adding amplifiers, thermionic coolers, and LED emitter in the same package. Marktech can also apply anti-reflective coatings and filter coatings to windows or lids. Marktech has partnered with many OEMs to develop specialized InGaAs and silicon photodiode detectors for aerospace, analytical instrument, automotive, automation & industrial sensing, medical, and wearable applications. Our products can be found on satellites, top-tier automobiles, non-invasive medical diagnostic devices, position sensors, spectrometers, refractometers, laser alignment systems, and colorimeters.

3. Does the supplier produce LED emitters with your application’s wavelength, power output, and package type?

Position sensing, spectrometry, refractometry, LiDAR, security, and other industrial applications often use photodetectors in conjunction with an LED emitter or light source. Therefore, the manufacturer should have LED emitters with the wavelength and power ranges to complement the photodetector selected. Marktech has an extensive line of LED emitters to provide the proper light source for InGaAs and silicon photodiode detectors selected. Marktech’s testing laboratories can evaluate both emitters and detectors. In addition, our labs can customize or sort LEDs to tighter or lower variations in peak wavelength (±1nm). Our optoelectronics engineers and LED experts can further customize LEDs with packaging and assembly options such as flex circuits, COB, and PCB.

4. How long has the photodiode manufacturer been in business under the same ownership? Are they increasing in size, facilities, and capabilities?

The photodiode manufacturer should be a stable business. If the manufacturer has changed hands through acquisitions or bankruptcies, closed factories, or cut many detector product offerings, then the supplier may not be the best supplier. Instead, look for an established supplier with stability and expanding product offerings, capabilities, manufacturing plants and testing laboratories. Marktech was founded in 1985 by Mark Campito, a Navy veteran, who is still the CEO. Marktech has continuously focused on testing and invested significantly in creating world-class optoelectronic testing laboratories capable of analyzing photodiode detectors and LEDs. Marktech’s philosophy is that optoelectronics testing is crucial in maintaining product quality and consistency. In 2021-22, Marktech upgraded our detector and LED testing facilities in Latham, NY. Marktech also installed extensive burn-in test capabilities for component and assembly evaluations. In 2014, Marktech built and opened a new state-of-art silicon photodiode manufacturing plant in Simi Valley, California. Marktech Optoelectronics has continuously operated in New York State since 1985.

5. Does the supplier have a history of innovation, quality, and reliability? How often are new products added to their line-up?

Cutting-edge optoelectronic design require a supplier with innovative product and a willingness to customize and try new approaches, and expand the capabilities of their photodiode when required by a customer’s application. The frequent additions of new products to a photodiode manufacturer’s catalog indicates growth and innovation. Marktech is constantly adding new and innovative product to their portfolio of photodetectors and LED emitters. In addition, Marktech’s photodiode detectors are recognized and sought after for their integrity and reliability. In 2023, Marktech’s ATLAS Hermetic SMD Packaged InGaAs Photodiodes won the Best of Sensor award in the Aerospace/Space category at the Sensors Converge conference and exhibition. The award demonstrates Marktech’s ability to develop and manufacture high performance photonics products. Marktech’s award winning, compact hermetic SMD ATLAS packaged InGaAs photodiode (right) compared to a bulky TO can packaged detector (left).

6. Is the photodiode supplier an integrated optoelectronics manufacturer?

Ideally, the photodiode supplier you select will be “integrated” or manufacture the photodiodes device at the wafer level, dice the wafers into photodiode chips, package the chips, and when required assemble onto printed circuit boards (PCB, COB, flex circuits). Manufacturing integration provides more control of the quality and consistency because a single company oversees every step of the photodiode manufacturing process. There is no finger-pointing between suppliers, and any quality issues are quickly identified and resolved. New photodiode detectors are rapidly developed and delivered as well. Marktech is an integrated InGaAs photodiodes manufacturer. Our InGaAs photodiodes are fabricated on our Custom Designed MOCVD chambers in Japan. The InGaAs detector die are packaged, assembled, and tested in the same facility. Our Japanese factory has extensive optoelectronic engineering and photodiode design expertise.

Our InGaAs photodiode detector factory in Japan

7. Can the manufacturer fully test the characteristics of photodiodes and LEDs? What type of testing facilities does the manufacturer have for evaluating photodiodes and LED emitters?

The ability to test is essential in assuring quality, troubleshooting application problems, and simulating field conditions. In some cases, testing can show how variations in the application or use of a photodiode causes detection issues, which can be resolved through packaging, end-product design changes, or photodiode chip specification adjustments. Marktech has extensive expertise and laboratories for optoelectronic testing of both detectors and LED emitters.

8. Will the manufacturer be able to deliver in time to meet your design project schedule? Does the supplier have catalog or standard photodiodes available through major distributors? Where are their photodiode manufacturing facilities located?

Photodiodes should be manufactured in a country without supply chain issues arising from COIVD shutdowns, political upheavals, sanctions, or transportation problems. Ideally, your photodiode supplier should be located near your factory or within the same country. If the manufacturer has a catalog or standard offering of photodiodes, then these products could be delivered rapidly. In addition, while the specific photodiode might have to be customized for your application, a standard photodiode might help move the development process forward and collect data to finalize the photodiode specification.

Marktech has manufacturing facilities in Simi Valley, California and in Japan. We have extensive optoelectronic engineering and testing laboratories in Latham, New York and in Japan. Marktech has one the shortest delivery lead times in the photodetector industry for standard and custom photodiodes. Marktech’s standard photodiodes are available through Digi-Key Electronics and Mouser Electronics, so there is still time to order a new photodiode optical sensor for your special person.

Photodiode Supplier Checklist
Wide Selection of Photodiodes in Spectral Range
Can Customize Photodiodes to OEM Needs
Has LED Light Sources in Spectral Range
Established, Growing Manufacturer
Demonstrated Innovation & Reliability
Integrated – Wafer to Packaged Detectors
In-House Optoelectronics Test Lab
On-time delivery of Components

Next Steps

If you have specific technical or application questions regarding your optoelectronics design project or are just interested in learning more about Marktech’s silicon and InGaAs photodiodes, then please reach out to us through the following:

  1. Contact our application engineers:
  2. Request for information (RFI) or request for quote (RFQ) form: Contact Us
  3. For major photodiode engineering projects, contact our U.S. factory directly: Vince Forte – CTO:, Barry Jones, Business Unit Manager
  4. VISIT US AT SPIE Photonics West

If you can wait until after the holidays, then you can meet us at SPIE Photonics West 2024 in San Francisco Booth 237 to discuss your photodetection application with our experts.

About Marktech Optoelectronics

Marktech Optoelectronics, Inc. (, is a privately-held and veteran-owned leading designer and manufacturer of standard and custom optoelectronics, including UV, visible, near-infrared (NIR), and short-wavelength infrared (SWIR) LED emitters, silicon and InGaAs detectors, InP epi wafers, and other compound semiconductors.

Author & Media Contact:
Gary Kardys, Business Development Manager

Marktech Optoelectronics Announces the Launch of Innovative Quadrant Silicon Photodiode – MT03-072

Marktech’s New 50mm Active Area Silicon Quad PD

[Latham, NY, November 28, 2023] – Marktech Optoelectronics, a renowned leader in optoelectronic components, is excited to announce the release of its latest innovation, the Quadrant Silicon Photodiode, part number MT03-072. This state-of-the-art photodiode meets the advanced needs of applications such as beam centering, beam nulling, position centering, beam alignment, optical tweezers, atomic force microscopes (AFMs), fine sun sensors (FSSs), and free space optical receivers.

Marktech's new New 50mm2 Active Area Si Quadrant Photodiode MT03-072
New 50mm2 Active Area Si Quadrant Photodiode MT03-072

The MT03-072 stands out in the market with its unique packaging in a hermetic TO-8 metal can. This robust packaging is expertly engineered to protect the photodiode and maintain optimal performance even in the most challenging environments. It effectively prevents the ingress of oxygen, moisture, water vapor, and other corrosive gases known to degrade semiconductor materials. These attributes make the MT03-072 exceptionally reliable and durable compared to products in standard plastic SMD or non-airtight packages.

One of the remarkable features of the MT03-072 is its non-outgassing nature in vacuum, low-pressure process chambers, or space environments due to its all-metal package containing no plastic or volatile organic compounds. This characteristic is crucial for high-precision applications where outgassing can significantly affect performance and results or damage the detector.

The MT03-072 quadrant photodiode or photodetector are made using Marktech’s proprietary Series 8 SiPD process offering a responsivity range from 350nm to 1100nm, with a peak sensitivity around 940nm to 980nm. This broad range ensures that it caters to a wide spectrum of applications, delivering high detection efficiency coupled with low noise.

For example, near infrared (NIR) laser beams with wavelengths of 800 to 980nm, 940nm, and 1064nm are commonly utilized for optical tweezing biological materials like cells, bacteria, or spores. NIR light provide a good balance between minimizing photodamage, low interference with fluorescence imaging excitation, and producing effective trapping forces. Atomic force microscopes are used to manipulate cells as well as measure surfaces at the atomic and nanoscale. These instruments utilize NIR lasers and quadrant photodiodes for precise position measurement of their cantilever or probe deflections. Marktech quad PDs are ideal for optical tweezer and atomic force microscope (AFM) applications.

Quadrant photodiodes are also used as optical receivers in free-space optical communications systems. A laser beam transmits a signal to a quadrant receiver using visible, NIR, or SWIR wavelengths. Water vapor, carbon dioxide, and other gases absorb light at specific wavelength ranges. Optical transmission bands occur between these regions of high absorption. Typical NIR laser wavelengths for free space communications include 808nm and 1064nm (Nd: YAG lasers), well within the MT03-072 photodiode specifications.

“Marktech is committed to pushing the boundaries of optoelectronic technology, and the launch of the MT03-072 is a testament to our dedication to innovation and quality,” said Vincent Forte, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Marktech Optoelectronics. “We are proud to offer a new product that not only meets but exceeds our customers’ expectations in terms of performance, reliability, and environmental resistance.”

The MT03-072 is now available for order and is poised to set a new standard in optoelectronic components. Marktech Optoelectronics continues demonstrating its expertise and leadership in the industry with this latest addition to its product line.

For more information about the MT03-072 and other products from Marktech Optoelectronics, please visit Marktech’s Quadrant and Array Photodiodes page:

MT03-072 Preliminary Datasheet PDF

For immediate assistance enhancing your latest design project with our standard or custom single element, quadrant, and array silicon photodiodes contact:
Barry Jones, Silicon Photodiode Business Unit Manager Marktech Optoelectronics

About Marktech Optoelectronics: Marktech Optoelectronics, based in Latham, NY has been a leader in the design and manufacturing of optoelectronic components for almost 40 years. The company specializes in LEDs, photodetectors, and related components, offering a diverse range of products for a variety of applications.

Media Contact Information:
Gary Kardys, Business Development Manager Marktech Optoelectronics

Advanced 235nm and 255nm UVC LEDs: The Future of Germicidal UV Solutions

Marktech Optoelectronics Launches Advanced 235nm and 255nm UVC LEDs:
The Future of Germicidal UV Solutions

[Latham, NY, November 14,2023] – Marktech Optoelectronics, a leader in innovative light emission and detection solutions, proudly announces the release of cutting-edge 235nm and 255nm UVC LEDs from Silanna housed in flat and dome lens SMD and TO-cans packages (e.g., MTE2350F-UV and MTE2350D-UV). This release heralds a new era in germicidal UV applications, offering superior benefits over traditional UV lamps. The Silanna Safe™ 235nm emitting chips inside these UVC LEDs provide outstanding power efficiency without the skin cancer risks associated with higher wavelength UVC LEDs.

Silanna UVC LED in flat lens SMD package.

Designed for diverse applications, these UVC LEDs are set to revolutionize germicidal UV solutions and chemical sensing. Marktech can also provide the new 235nm and 255nm LEDs in custom packaging. In 2024, we will be releasing these groundbreaking UVC LED chips in a variety of packages including our award-winning hermetic metal-ceramic ATLAS package.

Applications include

A standout feature of Marktech’s UVC LEDs is their safety profile. Unlike UVB and UVA LEDs, unintentional overexposure to Marktech 235nm UVC results in only short-term redness and eye irritation, eliminating the risk of skin cancer and cataracts.

Key Advantages of Marktech's UVC LEDs

“Marktech’s commitment to advancing UV lighting technology is evident in these 235nm and 255nm UVC LEDs from Silianna. We’re not just offering a product; we’re offering a safer, more efficient, and environmentally friendly solution for many applications,” stated Vince Forte, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Marktech Optoelectronics.

Marktech encourages design engineers to develop products for water purification, air disinfection, gas sensing, and chemical analysis to explore the unmatched benefits of these revolutionary UVC LEDs.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Gary J. Kardys, Business Development Manager,, 518-956-2980 ext 237

Key Advantages of Marktech's UVC LEDs

Established in 1985, Marktech Optoelectronics has been at the forefront of light emission and detection solutions across a wide spectral range from UVC to SWIR. With a focus on quality, safety, and environmental sustainability, Marktech is constantly innovating and adapting to serve the dynamic needs of optical and electronic design engineers in the OEM space.

To learn more, please visit:  

Register for Our Webinar – InGaAs Photodiode Detectors: Packaging, Performance, and SWIR Applications – May 10th 2023

Marktech’s Next Gen Hermetic SMD ATLAS Packaged InGaAs Detectors

Marktech Optoelectronics Inc. is pleased to announce a webinar on “InGaAs Photodiode Detectors: Packaging, Performance, and SWIR Applications”, presented by Vince Forte, the company’s Chief Technology Officer. The webinar will be pre-recorded and will be available for viewing starting May 10th through Photonics Media.

Forte will provide a comprehensive overview of InGaAs detector types, packaging, performance characteristics, and applications in the NIR and SWIR wavelength bands. He will cover the photodiode manufacturing process from InP substrate to packaged detector, the different types of photodiodes available, and how to select the right photodiode for a specific application. He will also discuss the key optical and electrical specifications of photodiodes and their importance in photodetection.

The webinar will explore the breadth of InGaAs photodiode applications, including medical diagnostics, sensing through obscured environments such as smoke, fog, and rain, gas and moisture analysis, optical pyrometry, and optical communications. Forte will also discuss the different packaging forms available, including TO can, plastic molded, pigtail, chip-on-board, and the hermetic ATLAS2.0 SMD package.

From left to right, InGaAs photodiodes in: (a) Hermetic ATLAS metal SMD package, TO-can, TO-can with TIA+TEC, and TO-can with detector+SWIR LEDs.

Forte will provide a comprehensive overview of InGaAs detector types, packaging, performance characteristics, and applications in the NIR and SWIR wavelength bands. He will cover the photodiode manufacturing process from InP substrate to packaged detector, the different types of photodiodes available, and how to select the right photodiode for a specific application. He will also discuss the key optical and electrical specifications of photodiodes and their importance in photodetection.

The webinar will explore the breadth of InGaAs photodiode applications, including medical diagnostics, sensing through obscured environments such as smoke, fog, and rain, gas and moisture analysis, optical pyrometry, and optical communications. Forte will also discuss the different packaging forms available, including TO can, plastic molded, pigtail, chip-on-board, and the hermetic ATLAS2.0 SMD package.

Vince Forte has more than 35 years of experience in the optoelectronics space and leads all R&D, applications engineering, testing and evaluation, custom design development, failure analysis, and quality initiatives for Marktech’s full portfolio of optoelectronics and LED technologies.

Marktech Optoelectronics is a leading provider of high-quality InGaAs and silicon photodiode detectors, LEDs, emitters, assemblies, innovative packaging, and custom solutions for various industries. With a strong focus on innovation and customer satisfaction, Marktech delivers reliable, cutting-edge products designed to meet unique detection and emission needs.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from the experts! Register for the webinar now and gain insights into the world of InGaAs photodiodes and their applications.

Marktech Expands Surface Mount SWIR Reflective Sensor Offerings

Marktech Optoelectronics Surface Mount Reflective Sensor

October 2, 2019 – Latham, NY, USA  Marktech Optoelectronics, Inc. (, a privately-held, VOSB-certified, leading designer and manufacturer of standard and custom optoelectronics components and assemblies, including UV, visible, near-infrared, and short-wave infrared (SWIR) emitters, detectors, InP epiwafers, and other materials, today announced the recent expansion of its industry-exclusive surface mount (SMD) SWIR reflective sensor family.

The superior alignment and sensitivity of Marktech’s surface mount SWIR reflective sensor offerings make them ideal for position sensing and detection applications, including card, barcode, edge sensing and money bill readers.

Marktech surface mount SWIR reflective sensors
combine both a short wavelength infrared emitter and a high-sensitivity InGaAs
photodiode. Emitted
light from the Marktech sensor is reflected back to the detector side as an
object enters the sensing area, with an optimal short detection distance of 0.5 to 1.5
mm.  The series is offered in six
standard models, each with its own unique peak emission wavelength from 1040 to
1625 nm. Each element is spectrally and
mechanically matched and then seamlessly integrated within a single,
compact, 4-pad SMD black molded housing. The black housings are designed to
help reduce the risks of measurement uncertainty created by external ambient
light effects. The series’ overall footprint measures just 5.1 mm x 3.3 mm,
facilitating its ease of installation within space constrained environments. Units
are both REACH and RoHS compliant.

Small-to-medium sized quantities of standard surface mount SWIR reflective sensor models are typically available with 24-hour shipment from stock via Marktech’s longtime distribution partner, Digi-Key Electronics. Sensor customization is also available upon request, in quantities ranging from prototypes to OEM volumes. Full production volumes are typically available within just 6-8 weeks from customer prototype approvals. Please consult Marktech’s Latham, New York-based R&D center for technical assistance.

Founded in 1985, Marktech Optoelectronics has built a strong industry pedigree for R&D excellence. As a renowned optoelectronics engineering, design, manufacturing and test facility, Marktech’s unique core competencies are rooted in its proven capabilities to produce custom LEDs, detector components and assemblies in virtually any-sized quantity. Each Marktech product is designed and manufactured to customer exacting standards and is available with some of the industry’s most competitive lead times. The company’s engineering team also has the necessary full in-house capabilities to perform complete electrical and optical characteristics testing, as well as end-to-end examinations of all optical components, from die level to finished product designs. In addition, Marktech is an authorized Solution Provider for Cree high-brightness LEDs and materials and is a member of AIM Photonics. For more information about surface mount SWIR reflective sensor offerings, or other products available from Marktech Optoelectronics, visit

Click here to view our standard SWIR reflective sensor offerings.

PR Author/Editorial and Advertising Inquiries:
Ms. Molly Bakewell Chamberlin
President / Optoelectronics Industry Subject Matter Expert
Embassy Global LLC
Tel: +1.800.309.6150

Marktech Expands Standard Silicon Photodiode Offerings to Include New Processes, Active Area Sizes, Case Isolation, and Package Options

Marktech Optoelectronics Standard Silicon Photodiode

August 12, 2019 – Latham, NY, USA  Marktech Optoelectronics, Inc. (, a privately-held, VOSB-certified, leading designer and manufacturer of standard and custom optoelectronics components and assemblies, including UV, visible, near-infrared (NIR), and short-wave infrared (SWIR) emitters, detectors, InP epiwafers, and other materials, has expanded its standard Silicon photodiode offerings to include additional processes, active area sizes, case isolation and packaging options.

Marktech customers can now choose from among four unique processes to accommodate an expanded range of UV and NIR applications. These include the 365 nm UV-enhanced Series 4, for spectral ranges of 300 nm to 1100 nm, further offered in an additional 7.5 mm2 active area size; the general-purpose Series 8, for spectral ranges of 350 nm to 1100 nm; and the UV- and NIR-enhanced Series 11, for spectral ranges of 254 nm to 1100 nm. In terms of new standard mounting options, customers can now specify surface mount units for automated pick-and-place capabilities, in addition to the existing choice of TO-46 (3-pin) or TO-5 (2-pin and 3-pin) metal can package. TO-metal can packages may be further case isolated for reduced noise.

These latest additions to the Marktech standard Silicon photodiode family have been made in direct response to customer feedback, joining the also-recently introduced Silicon avalanche photodiodes and broadband PIN photodiodes. All Marktech Silicon photodiodes feature high sensitivity, low noise, and low dark current, and are both REACH and RoHS compliant. Small-to-medium sized quantities of standard Silicon photodiodes are typically available with 24-hour shipment from stock via Marktech’s longtime distribution partner, Digi-Key Electronics.

Beyond standard product, Marktech Silicon photodiodes are available with a full range of supporting NIR and point source emitters. The photodiodes and LED emitters may be supplied, either as separate stand-alone components; or, combined into a seamless, mechanically and spectrally matched package, such as a reflective switch. Most custom and hybrid designs from Marktech are available in as few as 6-8 weeks from point of prototype approval and may be produced in virtually any-sized quantity, from prototype to OEM volumes. 

Typical applications for Marktech Silicon photodiodes include colorimeters, spectroscopy equipment, fluorescence, photometers, and analytical equipment, within industries such as medical, laboratory and university research, aerospace, robotics, and industrial automation. Please consult Marktech’s Latham, New York-based R&D center for applications engineering and custom product development assistance.

Founded in 1985, Marktech Optoelectronics has built a strong industry pedigree for R&D excellence. As a renowned optoelectronics engineering, design, manufacturing, and test facility, Marktech’s unique core competencies are rooted in its proven capabilities to produce custom LEDs, detector components and assemblies in virtually any-sized quantity. Each Marktech product is designed and manufactured to customer exacting standards and is available with some of the industry’s most competitive lead times. The company’s engineering team also has the necessary full in-house capabilities to perform complete electrical and optical characteristics testing, as well as end-to-end examinations of all optical components, from die level to finished product designs. In addition, Marktech is a Cree Solution Provider for high-brightness LEDs and materials. The company is also a member of AIM Photonics. For more information about Marktech and its Silicon photodiode product offerings, visit

Product Page Link:

PR Author/Editorial and Advertising Inquiries:
Ms. Molly Bakewell Chamberlin
President / Optoelectronics Industry Subject Matter Expert
Embassy Global LLC
Tel: +1.800.309.6150